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    短却美の英国短剧:青春期 Adolescence (2020)每一帧都是画报荷尔蒙 VIP在线可看!

    发表于 03-23 23:23
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  • 短却美,少年情窦:你会知道的,几年后就算你结婚,生子,你都知道。留住这另一个世界的十分钟。


    You'll probably grow up. Marry. kids. maybe Anna. Maybe someone else. You'll probably be happy. But you'll know.

    每一帧都是画报 青春 荷尔蒙 暧昧 海边 肉体 夏天

    Oh, youth! 夏日,海浪,礁石,红色泳裤,条纹浴巾,8mm摄像机。
    导演: Zeb Daemen
    主演: Alfie Noble / Ben Wilson
    类型: 剧情 / 爱情 / 短片 / 同性
    官方网站: 链接
    制片国家/地区: 比利时 / 英国
    语言: 英语
    上映日期: 2020-10-16(美国)
    片长: 15分钟

    青春期的剧情简介 · · · · · ·
      Adolescence is a coming of age story taking place entirely over the last day of summer. In many ways, for our protagonist James and his best friend Simon, this is also the last day of childhood. James is leaving tomorrow, leaving their town, the place and most importantly, the people he grew up with. He’s not sure he will ever see any of them again. But there are things that James has never had the chance to say. Feelings he has never been able to express. Set in picturesque 1950s Cornwall, the film reflects the realities of the time. Rigid gender roles, limited self-expression and unspoken truths that prevent people from being who they truly are. James is a budding videographer, he hopes to capture the day, a memory he will hold forever. Like many artists, he may find the strength behind his camera to say who he truly is to the person that matters most.

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